GALAXY’S EDGE is an annual science fiction and fantasy anthology series edited by Lezli Robyn, publishing original stories that have become finalists or winners of Aurora, British Fantasy, BSFA, Hugo, Nebula and Nommo writing awards. Initially published as a magazine for 62 issues, it was first edited by Mike Resnick, with Lezli taking up the reins after his passing in 2020.
After a decade of publication, a decision was made to change the magazine format to an anthology series so that GALAXY’S EDGE could reach more readers in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Sample stories of the most recent anthology can be read on the HOME page, where you can also find links to buy eBook or print copies directly from the publisher or through reputable online venues such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Equivalent links to buy any of our previous anthologies or magazine issues can be found on the ARCHIVES page.
GALAXY’S EDGE is published by Shahid Mahmud under the CAEZIK SF & Fantasy imprint of ARC Manor Books. You can find out more about this small but innovative press, and buy the books they publish, here.